This requires a way of adding together samples from a number of log files, even though the sample timestamps might differ from file to file by a few minutes.
Here then is my current hack for doing this. The merged data set is implemented here as a doubly-linked list using nested hashes, not because I make use of these here, but because I lifted it from one of my other log manipulation tools. I will probably return to clean it up as time goes on.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# AUTHOR: Philip Damian-Grint
# DESCRIPTION: Synthesize a new MRTG log file from 2 or more other log files.
# This utility expects and generates version 2 MRTG log files,
# (See, based on a
# default sampling time of 5 minutes
# In general there are 600 samples each of 5mins, 30mins, 120mins
# and 86400mins. Each dataset is a quintuple:
# {epoch, in_average, out_average, in_maximum, out_maximum}
# The file with the newest timestamp is used as a template for generating
# the output file, processed backwards in time.
# Samples from the second and further logfiles are combined with the template
# according to the following rules:
# 1. Samples from the input logfile which fall between two samples in the
# template, are combined into the sample with the higher timestamp
# 2. Samples are combined using basic addition only
# Each of the input files are checked for time synchronisation. If the
# starting times of any of the second and subsequent input files are more
# than 5 minutes adrift from the first input file, the utility aborts.
# INPUTS: Options, Logfile1, Logfile2, ...
# [--verbose] Logfile1 [, Logfile2, ...]
# OUTPUTS: Logfile in MRTG format version 2
# This is written to STDOUT
# NOTES: 1. It should go without saying that running this against live log files while
# MRTG is running will have unpredictable results - copy the logfiles to
# a location where they will not be disturbed while being processed.
# 2. It is possible that due to occasional variations at sample period
# boundaries (e.g. 5mins / 30 mins) and between files, some "samples" in the
# merged file might combine one or two samples more than expected.
# It would be possible to avoid this by say, adding a further field to each hash
# record to count and possibly restrict the samples combined from subsequent files.
# HISTORY: 3/2/2012: v1.0 created
# 8/2/2012: v1.1 header detection corrected
use strict;
local $| = 1; # Autoflush STDOUT
use Getopt::Long;
# Parameters
my $verbose;
# Working Storage
my @fields; # Holds fields from last record read
my $file_no; # Tracks current file being processed
my $inbytes_master; # Inbytes counter from the first file
my @keys; # Holds sorted keys for merged dataset
my $outbytes_master; # Outbytes counter from the first file
my $prev_time; # Remember our previous timestamp
my $record_no; # Tracks last record read from current file
my $time_master; # First timestamp from first file
my $run_state; # Tracks processing phase (first file, subsequent file...)
my %samples; # Doubly-linked list representing merged file
# Subroutines
sub record_count {
print "\r".++$record_no." of ".$file_no;
GetOptions ("verbose" => \$verbose ); # Check for verbosity
$prev_time = 0; # Reset previous timestamp copy
$run_state = 'INIT'; # Reset state
$time_master = 0; # Reset starting epoch
# Process All Logfiles
while (<>) {
chomp(); # Remove carriage return etc
@fields = (); # Clear our temporary holding area
@fields = (split); # Split up our tuple
# Start of File Processing
if (scalar(@fields) == 3) { # Check for start of file
print "\nStart of input file, datestamp: ".(scalar localtime(@fields[0]))."\n" if ($verbose);
$record_no = 0; # Reset record counter
# First file
if ($run_state eq 'INIT') { # If this is our first file
$time_master = @fields[0]; # Capture the header timestamp
$inbytes_master = @fields[1]; # Capture the header inbytes
$outbytes_master = @fields[2]; # Capture the header outbytes
$run_state = 'FIRST'; # And update our state
$file_no = 1; # Start counting input files
# Subsequent files
} else {
# At the end of the first file (only)
if ($run_state eq 'FIRST') {
@keys = reverse sort { $a <=> $b } (keys %samples); # Sort our keys
$run_state = 'SUBSQ'; # Note that first file has ended
# And in all cases
$file_no++; # Count input files
$inbytes_master += @fields[1]; # Add header inbytes to master
$outbytes_master += @fields[2]; # Add header outbytes to master
# Other files must be within 5 minutes of the first
die("Header timestamp difference > 5 minutes found in file ".$file_no."\n") if (abs($time_master - @fields[0]) > 300);
&record_count if ($verbose); # Update our on-screen counter
$prev_time = @fields[0]; # Take a copy of this timestamp
next; # Now start processing non-header records
# Check for "all-files" data mangling
die("\nIncreasing timestamp found in record ".$record_no." of file ".$file_no."\n") if (@fields[0] > $prev_time);
# First file just populates our template
if ($run_state eq 'FIRST') {
# Check for "first-file" data mangling
die("\nDuplicate timestamp found in record ".$record_no." of file ".$file_no."\n") if (exists ($samples{@fields[0]}));
# Create a hash entry indexed by datestamp
$samples{@fields[0]}= {PREV => ($prev_time == @fields[0]) ? undef : $prev_time, NEXT => undef, TUPLE => [@fields[1], @fields[2], @fields[3], @fields[4]]};
# If not the first item in the list, update the last item's NEXT pointer
$samples{$prev_time}{NEXT} = @fields[0] if ($record_no > 1);
# Subsequent files must be merged
} else {
foreach (@keys) {
if ($_ <= @fields[0]) {
$samples{$_}{TUPLE}[0] += @fields[1];
$samples{$_}{TUPLE}[1] += @fields[2];
$samples{$_}{TUPLE}[2] += @fields[3];
$samples{$_}{TUPLE}[3] += @fields[4];
$prev_time = @fields[0]; # Take a copy of this timestamp
&record_count if ($verbose);
# Were we only given one file? @keys only populated on detection of a second file
die("\nError - only one input file supplied\n") unless (@keys);
# Output Merged File
# First our updated header record
print "$time_master $inbytes_master $outbytes_master\n";
# And then our records in reverse order
foreach (@keys) {
print "$_ $samples{$_}{TUPLE}[0] $samples{$_}{TUPLE}[1] $samples{$_}{TUPLE}[2] $samples{$_}{TUPLE}[3]\n";
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