Friday, 12 October 2012

Putty Class in VBScript

We have a fairly busy network, comprising several hundred Cisco devices across some fifty sites, and putty is one of my mainstay tools for updating configs and general troubleshooting.

So when I started looking around for something quick and easy to carry out batched updates, I looked at Putty first. Using Putty for scripted tasks wasn't as easy as I thought it would be, the main problem being access to screen feedback so that I can verify that my commands have had the expected effect.

One solution is to turn on logging and use that as a proxy screen. Here's a VBScript class which includes some basic send and "receive" functionality. Error handling is stripped to a bare minimum to keep the size of the script down here, but hopefully it gives a flavour of what is possible.

Option Explicit
'Name:    Putty class
'Author:  Philip Damian-Grint
'Version: 1.0
'Date:    12th Oct 2012
'  A starter VB class used to drive Putty sessions typically for Cisco
'  devices, allowing sending of commands, and returning screen output
'  to allow the possibility of conditional processing.
'  Putty has a number of logging options; for Cisco vty sessions, only 
'  printable output is required for line-based output processing, but 
'  full session output at least is required where escape sequences
'  need to be captured for screen positioning. (Not demonstrated here)

' Constants

Const EXELOC            = """c:\Program Files\Linux Utilities\PuTTY\putty.exe"""
Const LOG_PRINT         = "1"
Const LOG_SESSION       = "2"
Const MODE_LINE         = 0
Const MODE_CHAR         = 1
Const REGPUTTY          = "HKCU\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\Default%20Settings\"
Const REGLGFILE         = "HKCU\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\Default%20Settings\LogFileName"
Const REGLGTYPE         = "HKCU\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY\Sessions\Default%20Settings\LogType"
Const STATUS_FAILURE    = -1

Class Putty

  Private p_iLastTideMark
  Private p_iMode
  Private p_iStatus
  Private p_iWait
  Private p_oFSO
  Private p_oSession
  Private p_oWShell
  Private p_sEnable
  Private p_sHost
  Private p_sLogName
  Private p_sLogType
  Private p_sPasswd
  Private p_sTempDir
  Private p_sUser


  Private Sub Class_Initialize()
    Set p_oWShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" )
    Set p_oFSO = WScript.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) 
    p_sLogType = LOG_PRINT ' default to printable output
    p_iLastTideMark = 0 ' initial tide mark
    p_iWait = 5         ' default to 5 seconds wait after each command
    p_iMode = MODE_LINE ' default to reading lines
  End Sub

  Private Sub Class_Terminate()
    ResetLog()                       ' Clear our registry settings
    p_oFSO.DeleteFile( p_sLogName )  ' Get rid of the temporary file
    Set p_oWShell = Nothing
    Set p_oFSO = Nothing
    Set p_oSession = Nothing
  End Sub

 'enable() is WO
  Public Property Let enable( sEnable ) : p_sEnable = sEnable : End Property

 'host() is RW
  Public Property Let host( sHost ) : p_sHost = sHost : End Property
  Public Property Get host() : host = p_sHost : End Property

 'logtype() is RW
  Public Property Let logtype( sLogType ) : p_sLogType = sLogType : End Property
  Public Property Get logtype() : logtype = p_sLogType : End Property

 'mode() is RW
  Public Property Let mode( iMode ) : p_iMode = iMode : End Property
  Public Property Get mode() : mode = p_iMode : End Property

 'passwd() is WO
  Public Property Let passwd( sPasswd ) : p_sPasswd = sPasswd : End Property

 'status() is RO
  Public Property Get status() : status = p_iStatus : End Property

 'user() is RW
  Public Property Let user( sUser ) : p_sUser = sUser : End Property
  Public Property Get user() : user = p_sUser : End Property

 'wait() is RW
  Public Property Let wait( iWait ) : p_iWait = iWait : End Property
  Public Property Get wait() : user = p_iWait : End Property

  Private Function EnableLog ' Switch on Putty logging
    EnableLog = -1
    p_sLogName = p_oWShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings( "%Temp%" ) & _
                "\" & p_oFSO.GetTempName()        
    If IsEmpty( p_oWShell.RegWrite( REGLGFILE, p_sLogName,"REG_SZ" ) ) AND _
       IsEmpty( p_oWShell.RegWrite( REGLGTYPE, p_sLogType, "REG_DWORD" ) ) Then
            EnableLog = 0
    End If
  End Function

  Private Function Quit( sReason ) ' Display message and Exit
    WScript.Echo sReason : WScript.Quit
  End Function

  Private Function ResetLog ' Switch off Putty logging
    p_oWShell.RegDelete( REGPUTTY )
  End Function

  Private Function ReadLog ' Read latest output from Putty log
    Dim oFile : Set oFile = p_oFSO.OpenTextFile( p_sLogName )
    Dim iCount : iCount = 0
    Dim aLogLines(), sLogChars

    Do Until oFile.AtEndOfStream    ' Find our old tide mark
        If iCount < p_iLastTideMark Then
            Redim Preserve aLogLines( iCount - p_iLastTideMark ) 
            aLogLines( iCount - p_iLastTideMark ) = oFile.ReadLine
        End If
       iCount = iCount + 1
    p_iLastTideMark = iCount        ' New tidemark
    ReadLog = aLogLines             ' Return everything since the last tidemark
    Set oFile = Nothing
  End Function

  Private Function SendInput( sInput )  ' find Putty's active window and send keystrokes to it
    WScript.Sleep 3000               ' Or greater if debugging to give time for window switching
        WScript.Sleep 100
    Loop until p_oWShell.AppActivate( p_oSession.ProcessID )    ' Find our session window
    p_oWShell.SendKeys( sInput & "{ENTER}" )        ' Do the deed
  End Function


  Public Function Connect  ' Launch Putty 
    p_iStatus = STATUS_FAILURE          ' assume failure
    If (NOT IsEmpty( p_sUser ) AND _
            NOT IsEmpty( p_sPasswd ) AND _
            NOT IsEmpty( p_sUser ) AND _
            NOT IsEmpty( p_sHost ) ) Then
        If EnableLog <> 0 Then Quit( "Aborting - Can't update registry" )
        On Error Resume Next            ' graceful error handling
        Set p_oSession = p_oWShell.exec( EXELOC & " " & p_sHost & " -l " & _
                        p_sUser & " -pw " & p_sPasswd )
        WScript.Sleep 2000              ' Allow some time to settle down
        If ( ( p_oSession Is Nothing ) OR ( p_oSession.Status <> 0 ) ) Then Exit Function
        On Error Goto 0
        p_iStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS
        Connect = ReadLog()             ' Pass the initial screen back
    End If
  End Function

  Public Function Send( sChars ) ' Send a command and read the output after waiting iWait seconds
    SendInput( sChars )
    WScript.Sleep p_iWait * 1000
    Send = ReadLog()
  End Function

End Class

And to demonstrate the class in use, we take the code above and store it in a file called "classes.vbi", and then pull that file in using an "Include" function to our puttytest.vbs below. 

All this demo does is log onto a cisco device, send a command and logout, relaying any putty screen output to our screen:

Tested with Putty version 0.60 under WIndows XP SP3:

Option Explicit
'Name:    puttytest.vbs
'   Wrapper to test our putty class
'   Run from command line:
'        cscript  puttytest.vbs
'Utility Functions

Function Include ( sFileVBI ) ' include an external vbs/vbi file
    Dim oFSO : Set oFSO = WScript.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
    Dim oFile : Set oFile = oFSO.OpenTextFile( sFileVBI )
    ExecuteGlobal oFile.ReadAll()
    oFile.Close : Set oFile = Nothing
    Set oFSO = Nothing
End Function

Function GetUserInfo( sPrompt ) ' prompt for input
    WScript.StdOut.Write( sPrompt )
    GetUserInfo = WScript.StdIn.ReadLine
End Function

Function GetPassword( sPrompt ) ' prompt for hidden input
    Dim oPasswd : Set oPasswd = WScript.CreateObject( "ScriptPW.Password" )
    WScript.StdOut.Write( sPrompt )
    GetPassword = oPasswd.GetPassword()
    Set oPasswd = Nothing
End Function

Function WriteLines( aOut ) ' print array of strings
    Dim sLine : For Each sLine in aOut
        WScript.StdOut.Write( sLine & VbCrLf )
End Function

' Test our Putty Class

Include "classes.vbi"

Dim aOutPut
Dim sLineOut
Dim sTextToSend

Dim oSession : Set oSession = New Putty     ' Create a new instance of our class = GetUserInfo( "Please type hostname: " )  ' Get some basic info
oSession.user = GetUserInfo( "Please type username: " )
oSession.passwd = GetPassword( "Please type password: " )

aOutPut = oSession.Connect                  ' and launch our putty session

If oSession.Status = STATUS_SUCCESS Then

    WriteLines( aOutPut )
    oSession.wait = 3                       ' we can set a timer for each command
    aOutPut = oSession.Send( "show ver" )   ' show version IOS command
    WriteLines( aOutPut )
    aOutPut = oSession.Send( " " )          ' usually runs to 2 screens
    WriteLines( aOutPut )
    aOutPut = oSession.Send( "logout" )     ' close session
    WriteLines( aOutPut )


    WScript.Echo "Failed to launch Putty"
End If

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